
What are the chances? After stating my goal to promote friendship this year, this month celebrates National Make a Friend Day on February 11th. This day inspires people to step out their comfort zone, engage new people and become friends with them, i.e., intentionally finding someone to become a new friend. And would you believe the easiest way to make new friends is to join a club. AND WE ARE… a club so find a person for a new friendship and every month, at least talk to someone new at our luncheons. Start with saying hello and introducing yourself. Take an active interest in the table talk around you. Draw a shy person out and have a lively conversation.
When it comes to the number of friends, some people have a lot of friends while others keep their circle of friends small. 
“There are no strangers in the world, just friends you have never met.”
   ~ William Butler Yeats
However, making a new friend can often have positive effects such as sharing new views, and new approaches and insights. Additionally, friends add fun and excitement to the activities we share. Not every friend will be a forever friend or even a best friend. Some are more casual friends but can still help us navigate through some good times while closer friends can help us through difficult challenges in life. But there is always room for one more!

Research has shown people with a diverse group of friends are more tolerant, open to new ideas, and empathetic than people who have a small or a non-diverse group of friends. Also, only one out of 12 friendships last and on average a person makes 396 good friends in a lifetime. People with more friends are happier and less stressed than those with few or no friends. So don’t stop making friends!
“Friendship can be the biggest treasure in someone’s life, and studies have looked at the benefits of friendship on mental and physical health.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Save the Date
Team Trivia-Scholarship Fundraiser
Feb 25th
Encore's Got Talent
Mar 20th
Happening Next
Paradise Readers
Monday, February 10th
1pm to 3pm
Tuesday, February 11th
Bridge—Experienced Players
Tuesday, February 11th
1pm to 4pm
Mah Jongg - Experienced
Wednesday, February 12th
1pm to 4pm
Bridge—Experienced Players
Tuesday, February 18th
1pm to 4pm
EEC Mission and Implementation
The Estero Encore Club was established in 2010 for women who have completed 4 years as members of the Estero Newcomers Club. Our mission is to continue to provide opportunities to develop friendships, enjoy planned activities, learn more about our community, and offer ways to give back to that community.
Mission Implementation
The responsibility of the Estero Encore Club Board (EECB) is to support the sitting President and the other elected members of the Executive Board who all serve as members of the EECB. As part of that responsibility, the EECB  serves as advocates of the club. The EECB represents the total membership, and the EECB's function is to consider the suggestions of all members, by reaching a consensus when jointly making decisions based upon the Estero Encore Club’s mission statement and supporting the good of the entire organization.
Club Address
Estero Encore Club
PO Box 627
Estero FL 33929
Sister Club—Estero Newcomers
*If you are not an Estero Encore Club member, but are looking for women's social opportunities, please know that our membership is limited to those who have moved up from our sister organization—Estero Newcomers Club. To learn more about them, click: Estero Newcomers Club.