This month’s letter is a mish mash! Last month we missed the special observances for August, so let’s spring a cute one that we all remember from Covid days. September is my birthday, thus a few facts honoring the month. To spin your head, what do you say to relax and be late but fight procrastination on the next day? Finally, here’s how to track down old friends. ENJOY!!!!!
National Toilet Paper Day - Aug 26
This quirky holiday honors an essential, yet often overlooked household item, until the Covid-19 lockdown when there was sell out of toilet paper. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a bathroom staple, toilet paper has played a vital role in our daily lives and hygiene routines. The invention of toilet paper occurred in China in the 6th century and the first sale of toilet paper on a roll in the United States was on August 26, 1871 patented in 1883. The U.S. uses more toilet paper than any other country in the world and is the biggest exporter. Since 2004 due to environmental reasons, it is no longer |
manufactured in colors or patterns. Toilet paper, recycled, virgin tree pulp, or hemp plants will eventually degrade. The empty center roll of toilet paper and paper towel rolls can be recycled. 75% of the world’s population doesn’t use toilet paper, two-thirds of Americans prefer toilet paper to roll off the roll from the top, fibers in toilet paper start disintegrating within seconds of becoming wet, 7% of Americans admit to stealing toilet paper from hotels, and the U.S. Army used toilet paper to camouflage its tanks during Operation Desert Storm. |
Some interesting little facts about September… Originally the seventh month of the Roman calendar and named Septem, or “the seventh month” was a misnomer once January and February were added in 451 BC, making September the ninth month. It originally only had 29 days until Julius Caesar’s reform of the Roman calendar in 46 BC added an additional |
day! In 1752, the British Empire skipped 11 days of September, between the 2nd and 14th due to the calendar change when the British Empire changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. In Anglo-Saxon times, September was named Gerst Monath, or “barley month” because the barley crop was harvested then,and when a popular drink was brewed from barley. The Anglo-Saxons had another name for September, Haefest Monath or “harvest month” hence the modern-day usage of the word harvest originates from this name! September begins on the same day of the week of just one other month, December. While it shares the first day, the month does not end on the same day of the week as any other month. |
Be Late For Something Day September 5
Created by the Procrastinators' Club of America, it allows people to take a break from their busy daily schedules, rushing and hurrying, always fighting against the clock. So s l o w down; take a breath, savor the world around you; and enjoy the small pleasures of life. Be late but be considerate to the people who are waiting for you by calling ahead to let them know you are running late. Are you someone who is incredibly punctual, enslaved by the clock to always be on-time, always use every minute to be productive? Then this is your holiday! Stop to smell the roses, take some time off |
to do NOTHING… Be Late for Something Day is as close to a getaway as some people get. This holiday is the perfect time to ponder on the inner workings of nature. This day gives us that precious time with family and friends we always thought was lost. |
Fight Procrastination Day – September 6
This day encourages people to take charge of their procrastination problem and find ways to combat the urge to put off important tasks for another day. It aims at promoting efforts geared towards combating procrastination in all its forms, to face procrastination issues head-on. The majority of procrastinators are men. Although there is no connection between intelligence and the tendency to procrastinate, 52% of students interviewed admit to having severe to moderate procrastination issues. One out of every five persons will actively procrastinate on a |
task. Nightlife types are more susceptible to procrastination than early birds. Procrastinators can feel real physical pain when faced with a daunting task. The average procrastinator dreads the judgment, disapproval, or ridicule of others which may be why they put off completing a project. Finally, procrastination may have a genetic component. |
Locate an Old Friend Day - September 21
Commemorated on the 3rd Saturday of September, its origin is unknown. Friendship is a relationship between two or more people who enjoy each other's company. Locate an Old Friend Day encourages us to reconnect with special people that we have lost tract of, sparking fond memories, and combating loneliness. After years of silence, this task might seem daunting. Use technology to locate your friends online via social or professional networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Alumni websites to name a few. Reach out to mutual acquaintances, who may still be in touch with your old friend. Overcoming the initial awkwardness is the first step towards a successful reunion. Deciding to reconnect with an old friend depends on several factors, like the nature of your previous relationship and if you parted on good terms and have positive memories. Avoid stressing about the reunion and take a calm and composed approach to make the interaction enjoyable for both of you. Start the conversation by asking about their current life, family, or work/studies. After you meet, in person or via phone or ZOOM, state how much pleasure you had and your desire to stay in touch. Good Luck!
Many thanks to the talented James Matiya for providing our banner photos!